Dev Environment Setup#


You need the following installed on your system:

  • default-jdk

  • build-essential

  • maven

  • npm

  • node (minimum version: 18)

  • docker-compose

System setup#

  1. Run sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144 (A requirement for OpenSearch, it only needs to be run once on your system.)

  2. Run npm install react-app-rewired

  3. git clone your forked Wildbook repo (referred to as the code directory going forward)

Code directory setup#

  1. In devops/development/, create a .env file with a copy the contents of _env.template. By default, no changes should be needed.

  2. cd to the root of the code directory

  3. run npm install

  4. run chmod +x .husky/pre-commit to enable husky linting

  5. cd /frontend

  6. run npm install to install all dependencies

  7. create a .env for React environment variables.

    1. Add the public URL: PUBLIC_URL= /react/

    2. Add the site name: SITE_NAME=My Local Wildbook

Deploy directory setup#

  1. Create your deploy directory, matching the value of WILDBOOK_BASE_DIR in the .env file. The default is ~/wildbook-dev/)

  2. Create the necessary subdirectories


Build war file#

To run Wildbook in the development docker environment, even to try out the software, you need a “war file” which is made by compiling the Wildbook java project.

To create the war file:

  1. cd to the root of the code directory

  2. Build your war file with mvn clean install

  3. verify the war file was created in target/wildbook-X.Y.Z.war (where X.Y.Z is the current version number).

  4. cd to the deploy directory cd ~/wildbook-dev/webapps/wildbook

  5. deploy your warfile jar -xvf /code/directory/Wildbook/target/wildbook-X.Y.Z.war


  1. cd to the devops/development directory in the code repo

  2. run docker-compose up [-d]

  3. To verify successful launch, open in browser http://localhost:81/ when tomcat has started. Default login of username/password tomcat/tomcat123 should work.

Note: if you’re running docker as root, you may want to explicitly set your deploy directory path to include your user, i.e., WILDBOOK_BASE_DIR=~USER/wildbook-dev

Redeploy and rebuild#

For any local testing, you will need to rebuild and redeploy your changes.

War file#

If you make code changes and want to test them locally, you can create and deploy a new war file using the Build war file and Deploy instructions. Then use docker-compose restart wildbook to test your changes.

React-only changes#

If you are working on react-only work, you can test your changes without updating the full war file. Use npm to build and deploy to your local deployment

If you have your dev environment set up correctly, this will build the React app and copy it into your local deployment directory for you.

  1. cd to REPO/frontend/

  2. run npm run deploy-dev

  3. refresh your browser page by visiting either http://localhost:81/react/ for local testing or for the public-facing deployment

Manually rebuild react-only changes#

  1. cd to REPO/frontend/

  2. run npm run build

  3. copy everything under frontend/build/ to the deployed wildbook/react/ directory you created during setup

  4. refresh your browser page by visiting either http://localhost:81/react/ for local testing or for the public-facing deployment