Library Management#

Restoring deleted Encounters#

If an Encounter was accidentally deleted, provide the UUID reference to the Encounter to restore it.

  1. Go to Administer, then Library Management and find Restore a Deleted Encounter.

  2. In the Encounter Number field, enter the UUID reference to the deleted encounter.

  3. Click Restore.

Updating data that involves a submitter or a photographer#

If you find that there are submitters or photographers created with the wrong email, provide the email reference to change or consolidate them.

  1. Go to Administer, then Library Management and find Update Email Address of Submitter or Photographer Access the Entire Library.

  2. In the Old Email Address field, enter the email address you want to change.

  3. In the New Email Address field, enter the correct email address.

  4. Click Update.

Updating location code for all Encounters#

If you have a location code that needs migrating to another code (misspelled, changed in the hierarchy), you can use this functionality to update the code. Note that this is only when you need to move all encounters.

  1. Go to Administer, then Library Management, and find Swap old location code for new across all Encounters.

  2. In the Old location code field, select the location code that needs updating with another code.

  3. In the New location code field, select the updated location code.

  4. Click Update.

Updating location code for subset of encounters#

  1. Go to Administer, then Library Management, and find Set the location code for all encounters matching a string.

  2. In the Text string to match field, enter the text that matches the encounters you want to update. (Note: case sensitive)

  3. In the Location code to assign field, type the exact location code that you want to convert to.

  4. Click Update.