How do I delete an encounter?#

Click the Edit button on the Metadata window of an Encounter. Then click Delete Encounter?

Additional help with managing Metadata in Wildbook is available in our docs.

My search results aren’t loading#

Your browser may need a hard refresh. On Windows, hold Ctrl + F5 and on a Mac, hold Cmd + Shift + R.

If you’re searching for a bulk import or encounters that you have just uploaded and they don’t appear in your search results, wait a few minutes while Wildbook completes indexing the new data and then try your search again.

Someone is leaving the platform. Should I delete their account?#

Once an account has data associated with it, you should never delete the account. To disable an account in Wildbook, remove the roles and permissions, turn off email notifications, and change the password. This will ensure that data integrity is maintained while removing the user’s access, and will keep the account available should it need to be restored at any point.

A colleague is leaving and we need to access to their data when they’re gone.#

This is a great time to establish an edit Collaboration with the departing user so that you can manage their Encounters even when they leave your organization.

If your colleague has already left or has chosen not to accept your Collaboration request, you may consider setting up a new Wildbook account with an email address that goes to a shared inbox. If you and select colleagues want to collectively manage this data, then using a shared inbox means any one of you can reset the password if someone leaves and still maintain access to the account.

Wild Me staff will not mediate any issues that arise between users over account ownership.

I told the browser to not show me confirmation dialogues. How do I get them back?#

Go to your browser’s history management and clear your cookies. You will need to re-sign to the platform.

Still have questions?#