Site admin#

Under Silo Security, users are grouped under organizations, which typically align with real-world organizations. To ensure that organizational goals are met, Wild Me established the Org-Admin Role. These are platform members who will handle user management and address bulk import concerns for their organization.

How to apply for the Org-Admin Role#

To get the Org-Admin Role, contact either a site admin or Wild Me. You can manage the following aspects of a platform by using the top navigation and selecting Administer.


  • User access logs provide session information that indicates a user’s IP address and sign-in time.

  • Encounter submissions log provides Encounter creation information that indicates the time when Encounters are created to provide a reference to the encounter.

  • Deleted encounters log provides a record of Encounters that were deleted and a reference to restore the Encounter using the Library Management functionality.

  • Email log provides a record of the automated emails sent from the platform including the type of email, who it was sent to, and what time it was sent.

User Management#

Add Users#

As an Admin, you can create users. To create a new user:

  1. Go to Administer, then User Management.

  2. Scroll to the Create/Edit User section.

  3. Enter a username, email, and password.

  4. Select the appropriate role based on the permission level you want the user to have. This is multi-select as the roles are not hierarchical.

    • admin: full site access.

    • orgAdmin: grant administrative abilities to manage the organization.

    • researcher: grant the ability to process and manage encounters, individuals, and sightings.

  5. Click Save to create a new user.

Edit Users#

  1. Go to Administer, then User Management.

  2. Enter a username, first or last name, or other identifying information in the space provided.

  3. Select a user from the user grid.

  4. Make adjustments to the user as needed.

  5. Click Save to update the user.

Disable Users#

Disable users that are leaving the platform or are having their access revoked. This maintain the data integrity between encounters.

  1. Go to Administer, then User Management.

  2. Select a user from the user grid. To filter the grid, type a username, first name, last name, or email address in the space provided.

  3. Take the following steps:

    • Remove the user’s roles and organizations.

    • Change the user’s password.

    • Shut off the email notification.

    • If your platform has the terms and conditions active, click to reset the field.

  4. Click Save to disable the user.

Delete Users#

Only delete test accounts or accounts that have no data.

  1. Go to Administer, then User Management.

  2. Enter a username, first or last name, or other identifying information in the space provided.

  3. Select a user from the user grid.

  4. Click Delete User beneath the user’s information.

Data Integrity#

Check for Annotations with Multiple Individual IDs#

Coming soon.

Check Annotation iaClasses and MediaAsset States by Species#

Coming soon.

Find Annotations Duplicated in Two or More Encounters#

Coming soon.

URL Access Security Checks#

Coming soon.